Training Your Team for Fund Accounting Systems: Tips for Successful Implementation

It’s go-time, and your staff is excited about the new fund accounting systems you’ve put into place. But wait: before launching the new system, have you made plans for training everyone on how to use the new fund accounting system?

Training, it seems, is often an afterthought when it comes to new software launches. Managers, IT staff, and everyone involved with selecting, implementing and using the new software should be involved in the training. Here’s how you can learn from adult educators on the best ways of engaging users in your new fund accounting system.

#1: Sell the value.

Even before you invite the team to a training meeting, you need to ‘sell’ them the value of the new software. Unlike children, who learn out of curiosity or obedience to authority, adults learn best when they perceive the personal value of anything they are expected to learn.

The staff of your organization must know right from the start why you’ve chosen the new software and why this particular product from among many fund accounting systems. How will it help them with their daily work? Will it solve problems, increase productivity, work smarter or faster than what they’ve used before? It’s only by answering these questions upfront will you grab their attention for further training.

#2: Keep training sessions focused on what users need to know.

Users need to know precise information to help them do their jobs well. They don’t need to know the history of the product, or the bells and whistles that so excited your CEO. They want to know now how to use it to do their jobs better. Focus your training on immediate activities the group can do to use the new software.

#3: Use it or lose it.

Another truism with adult learners is that they must use their newfound knowledge immediately or else it is forgotten. Adults need to use new skills repeatedly in order to keep them fresh. Schedule training sessions with the new fund accounting system where users actually bring in their projects and work so that the training can focus on job-related skills, and users can ask questions while actually using the system for real work.

#4: Customize vendor trainings.

Vendor trainings can be a great asset, but you may need to customize a vendor training session to your organization’s needs. You know your team. They may respond best to written materials, hands-on demonstrations, or simple verbal instructions. Work with your software vendor to tailor training needs to your team.

#5: Schedule follow up.

Many training programs fail because trainers pour information out and then leave without follow-up. Users leave the session invigorated and excited, but stumble using the new system when they return to their workplace. To keep the momentum going after training, schedule follow-up meetings a week or two after the initial training. Invite users to bring questions to the meeting so that you can help them use the system to its fullest.

Ready for New Fund Accounting Systems?

At Beck & Company, we understand the unique needs of the nonprofit sector. Our CPAs and consultants have been assisting nonprofits since 1987 with their accounting and operational needs. If it’s time to implement a new fund accounting system, please contact us for assistance. Call 1-703-834-0776.