According to a recent survey performed by Unit4 Coda, Accountants are under added unnecessary stress. The survey found that accountants feel they are being held to unrealistic deadlines and have an over-reliance on spreadsheets due to inefficient accounting systems. Further, among the top contributors to unnecessary stress is an apparent disconnect between executive management teams and accountants.
A report of the survey’s findings on states, “Over 66 percent of the survey’s respondents(1) said an average close period takes over five days to complete, but the survey also revealed that more than 55 percent of accountants are expected to complete a close in a maximum of five days.”
Other items noted were:
- 70 percent of respondents reported that inadequate reporting from their financial systems was a source of stress.
- 58 percent spent more than four hours reconciling subsystems to the GL with 25 percent taking two days or more.
- 53 percent of accountants reported clocking overtime hours during a period close.
It appears as though many companies are still struggling with antiquated processes and software which is adding unnecessary pressure on accountants and employees as well as increasing the likelihood for error. If this situation sounds familiar, it is definitely time to take a look at how a better system and automation process can improve the overall operations of your organization.