Trends to Watch: The Rise of Social Media for Nonprofit Donor Communications

Do you use social media to keep in touch with friends, family, colleagues or acquaintances? If so, then you’re among the estimated 65 percent of all adults using social media. Whether you tweet, pin or post, social media has become an important communications channel for nonprofit marketing.

The Top Three Social Media Sites for Nonprofits

You probably have your favorite social media sites, but some seem to work best for nonprofit communications. The top three social media sites for nonprofits are:

  • Facebook: Facebook remains the social media site of choice for most nonprofits, and it’s no wonder. The site consistently ranks as the most visited site in the world with 09 billion active daily users. Nonprofits can share stories, webpages, blog posts, graphics, videos, and more, reaching an enormous audience who care about their cause.
  • Twitter: Saying what you need to say in 140 characters or less is tough, but Twitter’s newer features, including the ability to share pictures, makes it appealing for more people. Nonprofits who need to get the word out quickly about an immediate need or cause can do so via the rapid-fire delivery of the Twitter system. Twitter has 115 million daily users, far less than Facebook, but those users prefer the short, direct messages the site sends.
  • YouTube: YouTube, owned by search engine giant Google, is an enormous repository of videos. Anyone can establish their own YouTube “channel” and upload videos. Nonprofits who want to reach out personally to potential supporters by sharing videos of events, constituents, or the groups they serve can find no better way than through video. About one-third of the entire world’s population watches YouTube.

Nonprofits are using social media daily, with posts going out at least once a day (often more frequently).  The person sending out those messages varies according to the nonprofit and its organizational structure. In some larger nonprofits, a director of communications handles the lion’s share of PR, digital communications, and social media. Other staff positions responsible for social media include executive directors and developmental directors, who may be tasked with both social media and other communications related to their programs.

Social Media Trends for Nonprofits

If your nonprofit doesn’t have a written social media management policy, it may be time to create one. A simple policy that spells out which sites your organization has a presence on and who has the final say about what goes on social media can help you stick to your message online.

More importantly, a specific social media policy can prevent media faux pas that can be a nightmare to clean up. One single mistake can derail a lot of good work by raising the ire of your constituents or creating negative press. Sites like Twitter create a unique, publicly accessible URL for every message you tweet. That means that even if you erase a message from your Twitter account, it may already be too late; it could be shared or indexed, making it even more difficult to remove.

Social media use and sharing policies should include instructions on who may post and who is delegated to check and respond to messages. Followers, fans, donors and constituents may choose to communicate with you via your social media sites. Be sure to have someone tasked with monitoring and responding within 24 hours to messages on social media. The instant nature of these sites has made quick responses important. People expect fast responses, and if they don’t get them, they can feel slighted.

Enduring Value in Nonprofit Consulting from Beck & Company

Social media started out as a trend, but it’s here to stay. At Beck & Company, we believe that any trend that offers enduring value is something of note. We hope that this information helps your nonprofit achieve its mission more effectively.

Beck & Company is an accounting and business consulting firm for the nonprofit industry. We have many years of experience and a staff with direct, hands-on experience in the nonprofit world. For more information, contact us online or call 703-834-0776.

Operational Efficiencies and Achieving Your Mission: The Hidden Link

The business side of nonprofit management sometimes gets short shrift among those actively working to achieve your nonprofit’s mission. Those working on the front lines, or on projects directly supporting the mission, may look askance at those whose sole focus is back-office operations and organizational efficiency.

Yet those who focus on operational efficiencies and productivity in the nonprofit workplace are supporting its mission in many important ways. Without someone paying attention to operational efficiencies at a nonprofit organization, precious resources may be spent unproductively.

The Importance of Operational Efficiencies

“Achieve the mission” is usually the rallying cry of the nonprofit organization.  Your nonprofit’s mission may be tied to healthcare, education, animal rights, the arts, or helping industry professionals network. No matter what its mission, the growing need for services, combined with the rising costs of providing those services, means that every resource at your organization must be used as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Enter the office people: the folks from your accounting, finance, human resources, sales and marketing areas (if you’re lucky enough to work for a nonprofit large enough to have people dedicated to each of these areas and not wearing multiple hats). These are the people tasked with making sure that those precious resources such as donations, grant money, membership fees, dues, and fundraising monies are spent in a wise manner. They’re tasked with finding ways to improve how your organization does its much-needed work without sacrificing the quality of that work.

If it seems like a big job, it is. Fortunately, there are ways to help improve operational efficiencies without extreme measures.

Improving Operational Efficiencies: Three Tips

Although specific people in your nonprofit may be tasked with improving operational efficiencies, everyone within your organization plays an important role. The following tips may encourage everyone to find ways to work better, faster, and smarter.

  1. Share resources: Share resources, people, and time with other departments. Avoid the “silo” mentality, which forms walls or barriers around your group to keep information and resources in the group instead of sharing with the broader team. The more you can share, the more efficient your organization will be. Shared resources and talents save money by adding value or solving problems that a single person may struggle with.
  2. Embrace mobile technology: Smartphones and cloud-based business systems are two ways in which you can make it easy for your team to work wherever they are. If they’re traveling, at an event, or at home, they can still respond to inquiries, handle work, and access company information. It makes for a much more efficient system than older site-based software and resources.
  3. Reduce unnecessary travel: Take a long, hard look at your organization’s travel schedule and budget. Do you really need to attend that many trade shows, conferences and events? Face-to-face team meetings can be replaced by video conference, conference calls, or shared documents. With so many options to work easily from a distance, the need for travel should be reduced. Save travel budgets for the most important things that can only be accomplished in person, and reduce costs whenever possible in your travel by staying at inexpensive hotels, limiting meal budgets, sharing taxis, and other cost-saving measures.

Operational Efficiencies Enhanced by the Right Software

We mentioned cloud-based systems as part of operational efficiencies, and they remain an important and accessible path to improving access, communications and collaborations for nonprofits. The right software solution for your nonprofit organization can make it much easier to track expenses and income and make sure the two are balanced appropriately. Making margin enables you to fulfill your mission, and that’s important for any organization. With the right software in place, improving operational efficiencies is a lot easier.

Dive deeper into nonprofit software and attend this webinar “Not Your Mother’s Chart of Accounts—Leveraging Cloud Technology for Nonprofit Accounting.”

Beck & Company Certified Public Accountants and Business Consultants

At Beck & Company, we believe that technical experience must be matched with a service mindset for the best customer experience. We offer consulting, seminars, workshops, and accounting services for the nonprofit industry. For more information, contact us online or call 703-834-0776.

Training Your Team for Fund Accounting Systems: Tips for Successful Implementation

It’s go-time, and your staff is excited about the new fund accounting systems you’ve put into place. But wait: before launching the new system, have you made plans for training everyone on how to use the new fund accounting system?

Training, it seems, is often an afterthought when it comes to new software launches. Managers, IT staff, and everyone involved with selecting, implementing and using the new software should be involved in the training. Here’s how you can learn from adult educators on the best ways of engaging users in your new fund accounting system.

#1: Sell the value.

Even before you invite the team to a training meeting, you need to ‘sell’ them the value of the new software. Unlike children, who learn out of curiosity or obedience to authority, adults learn best when they perceive the personal value of anything they are expected to learn.

The staff of your organization must know right from the start why you’ve chosen the new software and why this particular product from among many fund accounting systems. How will it help them with their daily work? Will it solve problems, increase productivity, work smarter or faster than what they’ve used before? It’s only by answering these questions upfront will you grab their attention for further training.

#2: Keep training sessions focused on what users need to know.

Users need to know precise information to help them do their jobs well. They don’t need to know the history of the product, or the bells and whistles that so excited your CEO. They want to know now how to use it to do their jobs better. Focus your training on immediate activities the group can do to use the new software.

#3: Use it or lose it.

Another truism with adult learners is that they must use their newfound knowledge immediately or else it is forgotten. Adults need to use new skills repeatedly in order to keep them fresh. Schedule training sessions with the new fund accounting system where users actually bring in their projects and work so that the training can focus on job-related skills, and users can ask questions while actually using the system for real work.

#4: Customize vendor trainings.

Vendor trainings can be a great asset, but you may need to customize a vendor training session to your organization’s needs. You know your team. They may respond best to written materials, hands-on demonstrations, or simple verbal instructions. Work with your software vendor to tailor training needs to your team.

#5: Schedule follow up.

Many training programs fail because trainers pour information out and then leave without follow-up. Users leave the session invigorated and excited, but stumble using the new system when they return to their workplace. To keep the momentum going after training, schedule follow-up meetings a week or two after the initial training. Invite users to bring questions to the meeting so that you can help them use the system to its fullest.

Ready for New Fund Accounting Systems?

At Beck & Company, we understand the unique needs of the nonprofit sector. Our CPAs and consultants have been assisting nonprofits since 1987 with their accounting and operational needs. If it’s time to implement a new fund accounting system, please contact us for assistance. Call 1-703-834-0776.

Tips to Help You Prepare for a Nonprofit Audit

Greater benefits require greater transparency, and the tax-exempt status of nonprofit organizations puts them at greater odds of an audit. The scrutiny required of a nonprofit’s finances and accounting is part of the trade-off for being a tax exempt organization. Donors and members trust you to fulfill your organization’s mission using their money, and in return, they expect reasonable use of their funds and clear reporting of how that money is used.

Who Requires Audits?

Depending on your organization and how it is funded, you may be required to perform a federal or state audit. The National Council of Nonprofits provides a list of states requiring an audit. This list changes frequently, so please check back with your state or your accounting firm for the current regulations.

Nonprofits that receive federal funding during a fiscal year that exceeds a certain amount (which can change annually) should keep an eye on whether or not they need an audit. Chances are good that you should have an independent audit conducted. Learn more about this requirement from the National Council of Nonprofits.

Preparing for an Audit

Preparing for an audit is a combination of common sense and detective work. Your goal should be to provide as much accurate documentation to the auditors as possible in a timely fashion so that they can go about their work without delay.

To prepare for an audit, you should:

  • Draft an engagement letter, which specifies the details of the independent audit that you have commissioned.
  • Meet with the auditing firm to ensure mutual understanding of goals, expectations and timelines.
  • Organize documents required for the audit.
  • Prepare folders for the auditors that include pertinent documents.
  • Read the “prep pack” provided by the auditors if they include one. A prep pack provides background on what you need to do to prepare for the audit.
  • Identify staff contacts for the auditors.
  • Schedule a meeting to brief the staff about the audit.

After the Audit: What to Expect

Depending upon the timeline you’ve set for the audit, you should receive the auditor’s report within a reasonable amount of time after the audit itself is completed.

The audit review committee, board of directors and senior staff should meet to review the initial draft of the audit. You can provide consolidated feedback, and request clarification of any findings. Then, the final audit can be prepared.

A good audit will identify any internal weaknesses or problems with compliance to generally accepted accounting standards and rules for nonprofits. Review the issues uncovered during the audit, and prepare a plan to respond and correct and problems. Operating inefficiencies discussed in the audit documents should also be thoughtfully considered and corrected.

An audit may not necessarily uncover evidence of fraud, although inefficiencies and problems may point to fraud. It’s up to your staff and board of directors to follow through on any issues described in the audit.

A formal presentation of the audit report closes out the process. The board of directors and management may offer suggestions to fix any issues, which can be included in the auditor’s report.

Is It Time for an Audit?

Audits are an important component of proper nonprofit management. An audit shouldn’t be viewed as a burden, but rather a chance to improve your operation’s management and ability to fulfill its mission.

An upcoming webinar will discuss how the demands on nonprofit finance teams have continued to increase. Also, how you must create greater levels of transparency and visibility, enhance the governance of the organization, and strengthen decision-making and strategic focus – all while improving productivity. Click here to register for the Survival Guide for Nonprofit Finance Teams Webinar on Thursday, June 23rd at 11 AM PT/2 PM ET.

The team at Beck & Company can provide the expert insights into your finances and operations to help your nonprofit grow and thrive. Founded in 1987, the CPAs and consultants at Beck & Company understand the complexities and nuances of the nonprofit world. Please contact us at 703-834-0776 for a consultation.

FASB Set to Release Nonprofit Accounting Changes Summer 2016

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is set to release the first wave of nonprofit accounting changes during the summer of 2016, according to an article in Accounting Today.

The article indicates that FASB has completed its assessment of the feedback received on Phase 1 of its intended changes. The organization appears ready to release the first set of accounting standards changes that will guide nonprofit organizations in the near future.

The changes are expected to significantly affect the way nonprofits report net revenue, as well as other less significant changes impacting how nonprofits report and account for their finances. This is the first major overhaul of the nonprofit accounting guidelines in over 20 years. The overhaul came because FASB recognized the changing face of the nonprofit sector, with newer types of nonprofits requiring a different view on accounting standards.

Nonprofits Prefer to Stay Flexible, In-Sync with For-Profit Accounting

One thing that surprised the people at FASB was the outpouring of feedback they received from the nonprofit sector. Typically, the standards board receives only a smattering of feedback when it requests public input. The nonprofit sector sent in 250+ letters detailing feedback on the proposed changes.

The biggest request was that FASB retain the flexibility it has previously allowed in nonprofit reporting. Another request that came over loud and clear was the desire for nonprofits, in similar industries as for-profits, to continue using accounting methods and standards in line with the industry itself, rather than based on tax status.

The goal of keeping both for-profit and nonprofit accounting models in sync is to keep their reporting methods clear and easily understandable by most people. Because many people are at least familiar with basic accounting concepts used by for-profits, by keeping the nonprofit model similar, donors and the general public can better understand the finances of nonprofits. Transparency is maintained as it pertains to financial records because the information can be understood more easily.

The Rollout Schedule: What to Expect                                                                     

As Phase 1 begins rollout this year, it will impact reports generated starting December 2017. Financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 2017 should follow the new guidelines, with early adoption permitted.

The Big Change: Two Net Asset Reporting Categories Instead of Three

The biggest changed planned for Phase 1 includes condensing the three net asset reporting categories into two. The current categories include unrestricted, temporarily restricted and permanently restricted. The two new categories will be donor restrictions and without donor restrictions. The “without donor restrictions” category replacing the former unrestricted category.

Other areas impacted by the changes include some minor tweaks in the reporting of investment returns, as well as liquidity and availability.

Help Navigating the Changes

An upcoming webinar will be discussing how the FASB and IASB have released a new revenue recognition standard – which will dramatically impact the financial processes of software companies. Although the effective date is several quarters away, you need to begin taking action now. Click here to register for the New FASB Rev Rec Standards, Actions You Should Take Now Webinar on Thursday, June 16th at 11 AM PT/2 PM ET.

It can be difficult to discern which changes may truly impact your nonprofit organization and which may be considered and evaluated for your particular needs. The professional CPAs and consultants at Beck & Company can assist you through these changes, helping you update your accounting standards to reflect your nonprofit’s financial models and goals. We invite you to contact us to learn more. Call us at 703-834-0776.

To Telecommute or Not to Telecommute? Telecommuting May Drive Productivity for Non-Profits

Telecommuting may call to mind images of pajama-clad workers surfing the net, but new information indicates that offering telecommuting as an option for non-profit workers increases employee productivity.

BizTech magazine reports that remote employees tend to work 20 percent more than on-site employees. They typically clock more than 40 hours per workweek, too.

Mobile technology has revolutionized how many companies view their workforce. Onsite workers clocking an average 40-hour workweek seem to be a remnant of our country’s industrial past, when workers punched a timecard and were paid hourly. Today’s workforce is more likely to seek flexibility in working hours and a better work-life balance, but are willing to work longer hours in exchange for that flexibility.

Currently, 45 percent of nonprofits offer some type of telecommuting policy. The benefit to employee productivity is enormous. Telecommuting employees are 20 percent more likely to work longer hours when engaged in projects from home, and will easily clock more than 40 hours when working on creative projects.

Nonprofits seeking to enact telecommuting-friendly policies need to understand the potential technology and budgetary ramifications. The technology needed to support a mobile workforce includes cloud-based applications, which can be easily accessed from any Internet browser, mobile phones, and laptops.

Some nonprofits have a ‘bring your own device’ policy, allowing workers to use their own smartphones, tablets and laptops to access company data, but with that policy comes a price. Nonprofits who allow workers to use their own devices to work on company systems must have higher security protocols in place to prevent accidental data breaches, viruses and malware from corrupting important systems and inadvertently sharing sensitive donor information, such as credit card numbers.

Telecommuting Employees Are Happier

Studies show that telecommuting employees are generally happier and more satisfied with their jobs than their onsite coworkers.  Satisfied employees tend to stay in their jobs longer, leading to reduced turnover and greater productivity.

TinyPulse, an employment survey startup, assessed 509 full time remote employees and data from over 200,000 other employees to create a portrait of the happiness and satisfaction of remote workers.

Remote or telecommuting employees ranked their happiness and job satisfaction much higher than their onsite coworkers. The only drawback to telecommuting they noted was a decrease in coworker relationships and a feeling of connection with coworkers. For some, this was a drawback. For those who are tired of office politics, it may be a benefit.

The Future of Nonprofit Employee Productivity

By 2018, it is projected that more than 2.5 million nonprofits will embrace mobile workforce management solutions. This reflects a 21 percent increase over today’s numbers. With that growing use of mobile technology, specific steps should be considered by nonprofit managers.

  • Create a structured telecommuting policy for employees. A written policy sets a common understanding of what is allowed (and what isn’t), and also provides a good recruiting benefit when attracting talent to your organization.
  • Update your software and systems with cloud-based solutions that are easily accessed via mobile devices.
  • Discuss security issues with your IT staff or consultants now. Make sure that sensitive data, such as donor lists, accounting and fund data, and employee data is protected with the best security you can install. Close the barn door before the proverbial horse escapes, not after.

The future seems to be one in which work, however it is defined, can be conducted just as easily from the bleachers at a child’s Little League game to an office downtown. Higher job satisfaction, flexible work arrangements, and personal investment into a nonprofit’s mission are all benefits for employees working at nonprofits. When employee productivity increases too, it’s a win-win for both employees and their organizations.

An upcoming webinar will be discussing how the demands on nonprofit finance teams have continued to increase. Also, how you must create greater levels of transparency and visibility, enhance the governance of the organization, and strengthen decision-making and strategic focus – all while improving productivity. Click here to register for the Survival Guide for Nonprofit Finance Teams Webinar On Thursday, June 3rd at 11 AM PT/2 PM ET.

Beck & Company provides nonprofit accounting and consulting services nationwide. Founded in 1987, our staff of CPAs and seasoned nonprofit experts can help you with audits, tax compliance and more. Please call us at 703-834-0776 for an appointment today.

Are You Keeping Too Much Nonprofit Documentation?

4 Document Management Steps You Should Follow

Last week, we talked about the importance of document retention for nonprofit compliance, especially as it relates to donor gifts. This week, let’s take a look at the importance of purging documents and data. When your nonprofit organization is required to keep documents, it can be easy to just keep everything. Has your data storage grown exponentially over the past few years? Has your organization become a pack rat, hanging onto records and data you don’t really need? As electronic storage capacity has increased and gotten cheaper, it is much easier to hold on to information. While it may seem that the cost to store data is cheap, it can be more expensive than you think. These hidden costs are why having an Information Governance plan is so important.

The hidden costs of too much data

Information Governance encompasses document management as well as information security, compliance, business intelligence and big data. It attempts to find the balance point between extracting value from data and reducing the potential risk of data. While the cost of storage may be minimal, it can cost exponentially more if there is ever a reason to do e-discovery for legal or compliance reasons. When there is a legal action of some sort, auditors or regulators or the FBI can secure the data on an organization’s servers and workstations and sift through it all. A study by the RAND Corporation, Where the Money Goes, estimates that e-discovery costs average $18,000 per gigabyte.

4 ways to manage the risk

There are steps that you can take to minimize your risk.

  1. If you don’t need it, delete it. Yes, this can take time, but every piece of unneeded information not only costs money to store, but it is a liability. Think of all of those emails in your inbox that also have attached documents.
  2. Purge unnecessary email and information. You are liable for constituent and customer data. If a customer is subject to legal action that requires e-discovery, and you have received related customer data, your systems are open for discovery as well.
  3. Classify information. You should classify all information that you are storing. For example, if an email string is discussing sensitive organizational data such as constituent personal information, that email should be clearly marked as confidential. This is legal protection.
  4. Make document management policies and follow them. It can be easy to ignore the document archiving process—the task is complete and you move on. However, creating a document management strategy is important for your long-term success, efficiency and compliance.

One way to gain valuable wisdom in matters that impact your organization is to contact Beck & Company Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors. We want to use our many years of professional expertise to help your organization succeed. Contact us today for more information about our nonprofit services. We can assist you in implementing policies that save you money and let you focus on your mission.

Are You Keeping the Right Nonprofit Documentation?

I admit that Post-it® note sheets that adhere to virtually any surface are now my substitute of choice for retention. – Candice Bergen

While the humorous quote about Post-it® notes from Candice Bergen probably brings a smile to your face at the thought of Post-it® notes sufficing for record retention, the subject of which documents should be kept and for what length of time is one that is worthy of discussion for nonprofit organizations.

Donations Records

One area of note is donor gift documentation. It is a complex topic as shown by the several IRS publications that focus solely on this area. Nonprofit organizations that rely on donor gifts must be in compliance with the strict regulations regarding donations. The compliance rules and procedures allow the organizations to avoid penalties and retain their tax-exempt status.

The tricky part is that there are different regulations for the various donations. Donations can be in the form of money, vehicles, inventory, and investments, among other forms of gifts. For some organizations, there can be a basic type of donation that is usually received. However, when an organization continues to grow and gain more donors, the donations might take on a different look. An organization might normally receive monetary gifts, then one day a donor might show up with a vehicle donation, or there could be that donor who wants to donate a large tract of land.

These are real dilemmas for a nonprofit organization. It is wise to know not only what documentation you need to keep but also what documentation needs to go to the donor. Most donation documentation needs to be retained for ten years.

Who’s Who List

Nonprofit organizations also have special documentation requirements for detailing every relationship, whether that is

  • “disqualified” persons or those with conflict of interest—anyone who exercises control over the organization’s activities as well as member of that person’s family and owned entities,
  • related organizations or
  • donor advised funds—a distribution from a fund that results in excess benefits to specific people that can influence an excise tax on the recipient.


Other areas requiring retained documentation include:

  • Financial Records: Generally, financial records such as ledgers and schedules, bank statements and checks should be retained for ten years.
  • Conflict of Interest Policies: While the IRS does not require a written conflict of interest policy, they strongly recommend one.
  • Compensation Reviews: It is important to maintain documentation on compensation for all trustees, directors and employees. You need to have proof of proper compensation levels.
  • Public Inspection and Distribution of Form 990 and 990 T: Each annual information return needs to be available for three years.
  • Written Disclosure: Records disclosures are required when a donor receives goods or services in exchange for a single payment exceeding $75.
  • Employee Personnel Records: Employee personnel records should be kept for seven years after termination.
  • Volunteer Records: Volunteer records should be retained for three years.

Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of documentation and their retention requirements. As always, consult IRS regulations that are currently in effect or work with a nonprofit consultant who can help you maintain compliance.

Having clear documentation polices are critical to maintaining regulatory compliance and ensuring your nonprofit’s reputation. Lack of proper documentation can result in fines and penalties, temporarily restricted endowment funds and even removal of your nonprofit status. Don’t take that chance; stay up to date on documentation rules and implement practices that comply with them.

When you need professional expertise, contact Beck & Company. We have spent years learning the rules and regulations for nonprofit organizations and we work hard to stay apprised of all changes. We want to use our professional expertise to not only make your organization run more smoothly but also to help you succeed. Contact us today for a consultation.


Tips for Effective Nonprofit Social Media Programs

Using social media for a nonprofit organization offers untold opportunities to connect with and engage your community. While email and websites are important marketing channels, social media is the area of greatest growth for nonprofits. Facebook and Twitter are the preferred networks while nearly every other type of social media is used in some way by some organization. While most non-profits participate in social media in order to drive donations, there are many other reasons to invest in this area. In fact, last week, we talked about the importance of communicating your vision and mission and social media can be a great avenue to do this.

Social media provides a cheaper, faster and more effective way to get your story out whether that story is going to donors, volunteers or those you seek to serve. It helps your stakeholders to more easily share your story with their friends and acquaintances thereby building your community of supporters. To be successful in your social media program, follow these tips:

Social Media Tips for Success

  1. Be consistent. Your social media should be used consistently year round—not just for a specific event. Social media can be used to build and nurture the relationship throughout the year.
  2. Be visual. People react to visual media whether that is a moving photograph or humorous video. Sometimes it is easier to tell your organization’s story through pictures than with only words. It also emphasizes the importance of having a great design in your materials and website.
  3. Tell your story. Don’t just post great photographs. Use visuals to tell the story of your mission. It is important that your story connects with people and causes them to take action.
  4. Involve your volunteers. Your volunteers may be the most powerful venue for sharing your message. When they share on behalf of your nonprofit, your message goes further. Include this task as part of the volunteer job. In fact, creating volunteer social community managers who get the word out when you have content to share could have an enormous impact.
  5. Be social. There’s a reason it’s called “social” media. Don’t just put out content, but interact with the people. Ask questions and respond to them. Express appreciation and show that you care.
  6. Be balanced. Don’t just shout your message. Social media is about conversation. So besides announcing your own events and asking for donations, share other information as well. Share content from related organizations and recognize your supporters, volunteers and employees.

Many nonprofit software programs include social media in order to increase collaboration both within the organization and without. Beck & Company, Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors, can help you choose the best technology for your organization. We are an accounting and consulting firm delivering specialized expertise, creative thinking, and unsurpassed service to ensure that our clients’ endeavors flourish. Ultimately we want to see your nonprofit reach its goals and we would love to help you. Contact us to learn more about our specific nonprofit services.

To learn more about collaboration tools to streamline communication and coordination across departments, locations and practice areas and other ways to improve operational efficiency, join our webinar: Transforming Financial Management in Nonprofit Healthcare, Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET. Learn more and register here.

Motivate Nonprofit Stakeholders with a Strong Vision and Mission Statement

Are you using your nonprofit organization’s vision and mission statement to motivate your stakeholders? Employees, volunteers and donors should all know your vision and be working together to attain it. Likewise, an effective mission statement, properly communicated, should help your organization stay focused on the goal.

Why are Vision and Mission Statements Important for Nonprofits?

A nonprofit organization needs both vision and mission statements to inspire, define and communicate to its stakeholders. Clear, agreed-upon goals are a characteristic of successful organizations. Without vision and mission statements, nonprofits may be wasting time chasing after unrelated goals.

A vision statement for nonprofit organizations should be more than just empty words. Instead it should draw a picture of what the world will look like if your organization’s purpose is fulfilled. When you have a strong vision statement it should motivate employees, volunteers and donors to strive for a common purpose.

The mission statement for nonprofits lays out how your organization is going to make your vision happen. Without the “how”, your nonprofit vision is just words. Your mission statement should serve as a motivator, but in addition, it should provide clear direction on how employees, volunteers and donors are a part of fulfilling your purpose.

A simple way to explain the difference between a vision and mission statement is that a vision statement is why the organization exists and the mission statement is how your organization is going to make that vision happen.  Jack Welch said, “You’ve got to eat while you dream. You’ve got to deliver on short-range commitments, while you develop a long-range strategy and vision and implement it. The success of doing both walking and chewing gum, if you will. Getting it done in the short-range, and delivering a long-range plan, and executing on that.”

How to Create a Vision Statement

If you don’t have an effective nonprofit vision, it’s time to make one. If you do have a vision, is it effective? Consider these these questions in creating or revising your vision.

  1. Does your vision inspire enthusiasm and commitment?
  2. Is your vision unique to your organization? Does it reflect your values?
  3. Is your vision ambitious enough to be a worthy goal?
  4. Is your vision future oriented?

How to Create a Mission Statement

Your mission statement should clearly state the business of your nonprofit. It should be concise and short and address these questions:

  1. Who is your organization—your name and type of agency?
  2. What does your organization do?
  3. Who are the beneficiaries of your services?
  4. Where do you provide your services?
  5. What are your values—the beliefs you hold in common and endeavor to put into practice?

Communication is Vital for Success

Your vision and mission statements can only motivate and guide your stakeholders if they are communicated well. The vast majority of nonprofit employees and volunteers cannot state their organizations purpose. When your vision and mission are clear and articulate, they are memorable, understood and supported by the entire organization. Not only should they be communicated to your internal organization, but they should be broadcast to your constituents and potential donors as well. Consider a broad marketing plan that may include social media, posters, brochures, web pages and advertisements to promote understanding and motivation.

Beck & Company, Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors, wants to be your partner in accomplishing your vision and mission. One way we do that is to provide convenient, easily accessible, monthly webinars for your organization. This month, take a look at this webinar, Financial Reporting—Is Your Nonprofit Seeing the Full Picture? In this live presentation on Thursday, May 11, 2016, you will learn ways to provide clear, accurate information on budgets, grants, outcomes and more to your stakeholders. Register here.

Contact Beck & Company today for a nonprofit business planning consultation. We want to put our many years of professional expertise to work for your organization.