Nonprofit Fundraising in our Connected and Modern World

In order to prepare for a nonprofit financial audit or to expand fund development, you will need to be sure that past, current, and future funds raised from fundraising efforts are properly tracked and recorded. Even if you are simply doing an internal audit to prepare for a campaign, it is necessary to take a closer look at funds raised in the past and to be sure that the proper infrastructure is in place to handle a campaign. Beck and Company’s Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors can give you insight into auditing processes and other nonprofit services. To learn more about audits and for assistance in this nonprofit financial audit process, take a look at our auditing services.

We all know that nonprofit fundraising is extremely valuable and important. Without it, it is likely there will be insufficient funds to meet the needs and service the mission of the organization because nonprofits can no longer rely on ever-decreasing government funds nor on select special events or grants. How, then, can we successfully do it? Fundraising is becoming more focused on individual giving. Being successful with fundraising efforts online is no easy task, but using the technology tools of today to reach individuals can be an important source of funds in a world where nearly everything is transitioning to the web. Here are five important tips for helping you achieve success in raising funds online:

1.       Use multiple social online tools that others are using, too

Yes, there are indeed dozens of social tools available these days. While you would not want to use everything that is available, you should pick and choose as many as you think will work best for your audiences that you are also capable of managing. For example, different people prefer using Facebook pages over Twitter while others would rather follow Twitter feeds. You’ll want your efforts to be widespread so no one is left in the dark and so no possible opportunity is missed. Therefore, invest in the channels and tools that can really help you reach all of your supporters and donors. Remember, use what those people are using. There is no need to jump on the bandwagon of a new social technology tool until your donors are using it, too.

2.       Networking with bloggers that share your organization’s passion is essential

Take time to build a relationship with the MANY bloggers that are out there. You are likely to find numerous blogs and bloggers that will share your nonprofit’s same passion. These connections can translate into easily multiplying efforts by having others with the same passion spread the word through their blogs. They can become your champions and help you raise awareness and donations through their readers and subscribers.

3.       Don’t forget the power of face-to-face

Asking for support in person is still the number one way to achieve a donation for your organization. Use every correspondence and each opportunity when meeting with others in person to direct traffic to your social media channels and sites. This provides a way for new audiences to stay engaged with your cause and what your organization is doing about it.

4.       Be consistent about informing and educating others

Use every opportunity you have whether it be on social media, over email, or in person to educate people on the impact of their donation. This is most powerful and eye-opening if precise and detailed examples are used that clearly depict how their money can make an impact and what it can fund. Use relevant happenings, events, news, and informational studies as an opportunity to educate others about your cause.

5.       Keep it up and don’t lose heart

There is still no guarantee that funds will start pouring in through donations. It can be disheartening to look at your data statistics and wonder why more isn’t coming in. Although all of these online technological advances are powerful, social fundraising still takes time and does not happen immediately. Keep at it, and you’ll see the efforts will pay off over time.

For more information about nonprofit fundraising and the intended outcomes of it through audits, contact us here at Beck and Company CPAs.