Ensuring the Retention of a Quality CPA for your Business

Finding and securing the right accountant to meet your business needs is no easy task. Last week, we took a look at guidelines to assist you when choosing the best Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for your company. Visit here to learn more. Once you’ve secured a good accountant, you won’t want to lose them and will want to be sure you know what will help keep them around for the long haul. It is important to do what is necessary to make this happen.

At the same time, you also want to ensure that your hired CPAs are performing their duties well. In a sense, there is a balance of equipping employees with what they need to be successful but also monitoring to make sure they are fulfilling their end of the obligation to do honest and professional work. This balance can happen by knowing what your employees need and responding to those needs while also knowing what to expect out of your CPAs and holding them accountable to these expectations. Beck and Company’s Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors have vast experience in accounting practices along with a deep understanding of business processes to assist you in knowing accountant needs and expectations. We also offer quality accounting services to meet your business needs.

Tips for Fostering Retention

Some recent surveys within the field have concluded that employers find that employees with the highest potential and those who were the top performers were also the ones with the highest turnover. Employers are losing their best talent, and the employees state that their reasons for leaving are limited opportunities for career advancement and a lack of confidence in company leadership. There is certainly a disconnect between employers and employees that is leading to talent mobility instead of leading to employers seeking to understand and respond to what employees value. If you want to retain your CPA employees, you’ll need to do just that.

As an employer of CPAs, what can you do to improve retention, engagement, and employee career development?

  • Create a consumer-like experience for employees. Many employees feel they are not understood to the same degree they are expected to understand customers. Be sure to get to know what your employees need, and respond to those needs.
  • Equip employees with leadership development and career advancement opportunities. Don’t lose employees to companies that are meeting their needs better. Give them the opportunities they need, and be open to discussing opportunities for leadership and advancement within your own organization.

Ensuring Employees are Following Expected Professional and Ethical Practices

As an employer, you may not be an expert in the field of accounting. At the same time, your accountants are an important part of your business and have the power to make or break it in many ways. Not only are employees held to a certain standard of general conduct that must be followed, but accountants are also held to a certain standard of ethical and professional conduct specifically tailored to the work of accountants. As an employer, it is important for you to know about this code of conduct to be sure it is being followed and that your accountant is following practices that will help and not hinder your business. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has outlined these expectations through its Code of Professional Conduct. It includes such things as expected responsibilities to clients and colleagues, other responsibilities and public interest, general accounting principles, and a look at independence, integrity, and objectivity.

For more information about the Code of Professional Conduct and general assistance as an employer with helping accounting employees to be successful and to stick around, please contact us here at Beck and Company CPAs. Our vast experience can be an asset to ensuring success for all—both employees and employers.