Cloud Computing Features for your Nonprofit

Just like businesses, nonprofit organizations need to keep up with the technology of the time. The potential found in Cloud computing software to transform your financial reporting and make the complications of nonprofit accounting records easier is worth strong consideration. To learn more about the need for this and what being Cloud-based really means, visit here. Beck and Company Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors know that nonprofits need solutions to help them with the accounting side of operations as well as the important work of fulfilling their mission. With Cloud computing in place, your audit processes will also be more streamlined and simplified. Learn more about our technology consulting services to help you get the help you need to transition to the Cloud. Then, learn more about our financial auditing services that we can conduct to help your nonprofit with its accounting and process needs using the information you have stored in the Cloud. The Cloud provides some key features for nonprofits that are not available with on premise software solutions.

Let’s take a closer look at the key features of Cloud computing that would be useful for nonprofits:

  • Always accessible- anywhere at any time

Cloud-based applications keep work online in a password-protected database with exclusive and secure access control. It’s easy to log in on any computer or mobile device with a web browser and Internet connection. This could be from the office, at home, at an off-site meeting, or anywhere else you need to be. Total connectivity on the go is a key feature needed in our mobile world!

  • Data and information stored safely and reliably

Data reliability is closely related to data security. In essence, organizational information stored in the Cloud is available whenever it needs to be referenced. Cloud computing solutions protect data reliability in a number of ways, including redundant servers and automatic backup.

Natural disasters at the office building won’t wipe out your nonprofit altogether if a Cloud solution is being used to store operational information. Information is still intact and secure in the Cloud, running on redundant hardware and backed up for complete continuity. By simply logging on to what is stored on the Cloud, you’ll get back to your important work without losing time or information. When it comes to data security and disaster recovery, Cloud computing solutions offer the robustness needed to handle whatever unexpected events may come your way.

  • Initial implementation and upfront costs are lower than other solutions

Cloud-based software systems offer a lower start-up cost and can assist in smoothing out processes. Rather than paying for costly license fees up front and annually for continuing software maintenance, Cloud-based applications are different. The best part is that paying for ongoing maintenance and fixes is substantially reduced with Cloud systems that are automatically being maintained and upgraded.  This is a significant benefit to nonprofits who are always needing to save money where they can. Typically, Cloud solutions are paid for based on storage space needed or number of users which makes them ideal for nonprofits of all shapes and sizes who are not large corporations that can afford seemingly unlimited systems and features.

  • System updates automatically

The Cloud is automatically updated by the provider of Cloud computing solutions so the real-time version is always the most current. This eliminates the need to use precious time waiting for software updates to be installed, and the latest features are always ready to use and are readily available.

  • Enhanced efficiency

Collaboration and productivity are assisted with solutions in the Cloud. This happens because as newer Cloud-based applications become available and are integrated into the system, they are available instantaneously and offer immediate benefits. Remember, with Cloud solutions, what is accessible to you on your software is also available to everyone else using the same system with no lag time in sharing information and collaborating. Your organization’s staff can work together more seamlessly than ever before!

  • Less maintenance required

With a Cloud-based system, it is time to say goodbye to work interruptions for IT fixes! This means upgrades happen in the background without any disruptions, allowing your nonprofit operations to stay fully functional at all times.

Beck and Company CPAs are here to help with getting your accounting needs as nonprofits up to par through Cloud computing consulting assistance, and by carrying out your audits for you using the data and financial accounting information stored on the Cloud. Contact us to learn more.