Leveraging Technological Opportunity as a Nonprofit

There is an ongoing struggle in our world to prioritize. So many factors demand our attention and focus that it can be overwhelming and challenging to know where to put our focus, what can wait, and what is worth consideration or not. This is true just as much in our work lives as in our personal lives, and nonprofits are not exempt from this either.

With a continuous stream of challenges facing nonprofits, your organization must address, face, and find solutions to such challenges that include, but are not limited to, financial, environmental, and demographic constraints. Maximizing potential with financial constraints considering all of the factors involved can be daunting. Getting the desired performance out of your nonprofit is not easy, but it is possible. One such performance indicator that we looked at last week is transformation. Being open to change, embracing and allowing it, and carefully using finances to help is important to nonprofit success. Let’s take a look at the second performance indicator, technology, this week that is a huge part of assisting in an organization’s transformation.

Beck and Company’s Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors know that managing all aspects of a nonprofit is a huge task. Because it is impossible to be an expert in all realms at once, we are here to help with the financial and accounting piece in addition to the technological piece of your organization that might merit outside help. We are passionate about helping nonprofit organizations to be successful and would be happy to assist in the areas of our expertise so you can focus on your areas of expertise. Learn more about our nonprofit financial service offerings here. In addition, learn more about the technology consulting service offerings we provide that will help with keeping your financial and business processes in order.

Opportunity Awaits: Leveraging Technology to Enhance your Nonprofit Organization’s Success

There is no denying that technology in today’s world is a necessity. Keeping up with technology translates into keeping up as an organization overall. Technology is critical, but nonprofits often fail to leverage the opportunities it provides. Often times even the true need for technology can be overlooked by nonprofits or justified as not necessary due to financial constraints or lack of buy in from stakeholders. Unfortunately, this may seem okay for organizations to limit their technology use or not stay up-to-date, but this will ultimately be costly.

Part of the transformation and constant development your organization needs is an ongoing process of enhancing technological processes that can automate processes, help with managing data, and create more efficiency at your nonprofit. Making the right investment choices in technology that will support your organization’s efforts and enable further transformation is key in this area. From a financial perspective, this involves gathering and providing the right information that will be used by nonprofit stakeholders to support investment decisions and calculate cost and value benefits. This includes acting on the information and research of technology options and using this data to make decisions with regards to technological advancements that will truly benefit the organization. Then, successful and methodical implementation of the decided upon technologies is important.

What forms of technology are especially worth consideration in our current, modern age?

  • Social technology
  • Mobile technology
  • Analytics technology
  • Accounting and financial system technology
  • Cloud technology

Knowing which technology options to invest in that will result in the best return on investment and knowing how to execute a strategy to roll out new systems can be challenging. It is important to prioritize what is needed and what will be most beneficial, understand costs and outcomes, and communicate clearly to stakeholders as to what decisions are being made and how users will be assisted in the implementation process.

Contact us to learn more about our technology consultation services to help you in the process of finding and implementing the best technology solutions that will further transform and assist your nonprofit organization in its success. Be sure to read next week’s blog as we look at yet another key performance indicator for your organization—transparency.