Not-for-Profit Fund Raising Tips for the New Year

The beginning of the year translates into a fresh start for not-for-profit organizations. If your organization did not meet your year-end giving goals, now is the time to refocus your efforts and start planning for the year ahead. Many not-for-profits are reluctant to start planning their fund raising efforts this early in the year, especially if they just completed their year-end giving campaigns. While the beginning of the year may seem like the perfect time to put your fund raising efforts to rest, it is actually the most ideal time to start planning your fund raising strategies and goals.

By now you should have a good idea of where your organization stands in terms of financial support and stability, making it the perfect time to formulate a new fund raising plan. Every not-for-profit organization knows that fund raising changes year to year, and – in order to effectively meet your fund raising goals – you need to have a detailed plan in place that addresses the challenges your organization encountered last year. We’ve created several tips designed to help you spur on your fund raising plans for the New Year so you can focus your efforts on more mission-related activities in the months to come:

  1. Set specific fund raising goals. Before you can even begin creating a fund raising plan, you need to have some goals in mind. Determine how much money you need to raise, when you need to raise it by, and estimate the costs for your fund raising initiatives. Write down these goals and share it with everyone in your organization.
  2. Brainstorm fund raising ideas. Before you start analyzing what worked and what didn’t work last year, brainstorm some new fund raising ideas to use in upcoming campaigns. There are many possibilities where fundraisers are concerned – walk-a-thon events, galas, online charity auctions, and charity golf tournaments to name a few. Choose ones that work well for your organization and with your mission. Engage your staff and encourage their input from the start so they feel involved in the planning process.
  3. Solidify a plan for your fund raising event. Once you’ve decided upon the type of fund raising event your organization is going to hold, it’s time to begin planning the details of the event. Create a written project plan detailing everything, from goals, timelines, roles, and responsibilities. Assign key staff and volunteers specific tasks and equip them with the tools they need to get the job done. Set a tentative date for your fund raising event, and create a detailed timeline and checklist outlining everything you need in preparation for the event.
  4. Identify prospective donors and sponsors for each event. For each fund raising event, you will need to create a list of prospective donors and sponsors. The donors and sponsors you choose will vary depending on the type of event and audience. Be sure to include local businesses, coworkers, friends, and family in your list of prospects and ask your staff to do the same.
  5. Spread the word about your fund raising event. You need to have a plan when it comes to marketing your event. Create a fund raising page on your website where you can collect online donations and generate interest for your fund raising events. Send out emails detailing your current fundraiser, publish press releases, and post listings on local event calendars. Spread the word on social media so all of your followers are aware of your organization’s effort.

How is your not-for-profit planning on gaining support this year? Do you have a strategic fund raising plan in place? Keep the above fund raising tips in mind as you continue into the New Year, and – if you have any further questions – give us a call today. We offer a variety of nonprofit services to help you meet all of your nonprofit management needs.