Tips for a Successful Non-profit Financial Audit

Nonprofit organizations undergo financial audits for a variety of reasons. In addition to being in compliance with various covenant and membership requirements, audits also provide an organization with tools that can help with best practices and offer accountability to the institution. Just like the notion of having surgery, the idea of undergoing a financial audit can be less than appealing. At the same time, it is important to focus on the significant value that results. Here at Beck and Company’s Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors, we can help you properly prepare for an audit and make the process less painful and more beneficial. We offer an array of auditing services to assist you.

How can your nonprofit prepare for, manage, and benefit from a financial audit? The following tips offer suggestions to do just that.

1.       Before the Audit- The Pre-Op:

Advanced preparation for your audit is essential. Your team should create and use a list of items that will need to be prepared before the auditor arrives. Having all of the necessary documentation ready for the auditor saves time and money in addition to resulting in less staff distractions during the actual audit process. Through many years of auditing and assisting nonprofits with this process here at Beck and Company CPAs, we have compiled a list of task items designed to help you successfully prepare for an upcoming financial audit. You can access it here. Remember that auditors are likely to request additional reports and information based on what is initially supplied. These requested reports should be added to the preparation list for the following year.

Choosing the right professional who will work with your company is extremely important. Just like choosing a competent surgeon that specializes in what needs to be operated on, you’ll want to choose an auditor that you feel comfortable with and who is experienced at working with not-for-profit organizations. Think of your choice in auditor as a partner not a distant professional.

In the preparation process, be clear about deadlines. The time frames for your audit are crucial. If bank submission, board meeting, audit committee session, or grant deadlines need to be met, be sure to communicate these to all teams involved and do this early on in the process. Clear communication eliminates surprises and delays.

2.       During the Audit- The Surgery:

Similar to the notion of having surgery without the surgeon present, the greatest efficiency and most useful results come from maximizing your time with the auditor. Be sure to get as much done and as many questions answered while the auditor is onsite. If there are any open items that cannot be accomplished, set completion deadlines before the auditor leaves.

3.       After the Audit- The Post-Op:

The most significant aspect of an audit is what results from it just as the results of surgery are why you had it in the first place. Without following recovery and therapy instructions, a successful operation still will not produce the intended outcome. Similarly, an audit will not be beneficial to your organization without implementing changes and using suggestions to make improvements. The most valuable part of an audit is often the management comment letter. It should highlight areas of control deficiency, concerns, and needed improvements. The implementation of changes, as appropriate, are the central benefit that an audit affords your organization. In addition, the results can help make future audits even smoother in the upcoming years.

Beck and Company CPAs have helped many nonprofits prepare for annual financial audits and would be happy to assist you as well. Please contact us and request a complimentary audit services consultation by visiting our website.